The Manifesto, being the first strategic document of its kind in the Polish industry, contains the most important proposals and directional actions necessary for carrying out an effective transformation and rebuilding the competitive position of Polish Chemistry.

What is the Polish Chemistry Manifesto?

The Manifesto of Polish Chemistry is a strategic document developed by the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry (PIPC) in collaboration with industry representatives associated with PIPC. It contains a series of key proposals and recommendations for directional actions, the implementation of which is crucial for the successful transformation, rebuilding of the competitive position, and continued operation of the polish chemical industry.

This document is being presented to the national administration, newly elected Members of the European Parliament, and will play a key role in preparations for Poland’s Presidency in the Council of the European Union. The future of Polish Chemistry depends on the effectiveness of joint efforts from both the private sector and the administration.

The proposals contained in the Manifesto refer to actions that are necessary both in the area of national legislation and EU law. For this reason, PIPC has already announced meetings with numerous groups of representatives of the national parliament, government, local authorities, as well as various EU administrative bodies.

This document brings together proposals focused on six main pillars.

Pillars of the Manifesto







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The chemical industry must rebuild its competitive position in Europe by securing raw material and product autonomy. This is essential for the continued development of the entire EU industry. In the face of increasing economic pressure from regions outside the EU, the community needs a comprehensive, framework system that supports the position of chemical companies and ensures they can compete fairly on the international stage. Poland’s response to these needs is the Polish Chemistry Manifesto.

“As part of the Manifesto, we indicate which areas are key for us to respond efficiently to changes and support economic development not only in Poland but also across the European Union. The new term of the authorities in Brussels, as well as Poland’s upcoming presidency of the EU Council, is a good time to pay special attention to the numerous challenges and difficulties we face. The entire industry is facing a difficult period, and either we take collective action immediately or we face a slow deindustrialization of Europe. We believe that our Manifesto and the proposals for targeted actions contained in it will inspire you to implement solutions that will allow for rebuilding the competitive position of Polish Chemistry and further development of this key sector of our economy”.


Tomasz Zieliński, Ph.D. Eng.
President of the Board
Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry