Within the structure of the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry, there are 5 thematic committees – working groups – in which more than 350 representatives of PIPC member companies participate. 

The key tasks of the Commitees are:

  • making a real impact on the shape of legislation through the preparation of opinions and standpoints for legal acts;
  • developing common interpretations of legal provisions;
  • preparation of positions and opinions on the matters under consideration;
  • initiating interventions in aspects important for the functioning of the members;
  • preparing expert opinions dedicated to a specific topic;
  • exchange of experiences and best practices.


  • committee members have the opportunity to mention the needs for training or prepare analyses and other activities for the needs of PIPC members;
  • the chairman or other members of the committee may participate in external meetings as representatives of the Chamber within the thematic scope of the given committee.

Why is it worth participating in the works of the committees and thematic forums of the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry?

Thanks to the participation in the works of the committees and thematic forums of the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry, the members of the Chamber can really take part in national and EU legislative processes.

Your vote matters.

Only representatives of enterprises that are PIPC members may be members of the thematic committees.

How to join PIPC committees and / or thematic forums?

you are a new PIPC member

You will receive the application form for enrolling in the committee by e-mail along with other documents upon joining the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry.

you have been a PIPC member for a long time

If you have been a PIPC member for some time, but you have not reported your intention to join the committee so far, all you need to do is send an e-mail (sekretariat@pipc.org.pl). We will send you all the necessary information and application documents.


Topics of the committee’s work:

European Green Deal, Fit for 55 package, circular economy, waste management, chemical recycling, water management, energy and climate policy, industrial emissions, BREF reference documents, environmental law, soil and air quality protection, environmental impact, sustainable development.

The committee’s areas of activity:

  • Developing, in cooperation with PIPC members, positions in the chemical industry as well as proposals for amendments and the best possible legislative solutions to draft environmental regulations under Polish and EU law.
  • Initiating the process of changes in the designed and applicable environmental regulations.
  • Ongoing monitoring of changes in regulations, in particular in areas overlapping with the work of the Environmental Committee and the Forum for Energy and Climate.
  • Cooperation and active participation in meetings with the state administration, including ministries, the Parliament and central offices, as well as with EU authorities in the field of environmental regulations relevant to the chemical industry.

Topics of the forum’s work:

Energy and climate policy, including the Fit for 55 package – EU ETS, CBAM, Revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II), Revision of the Energy Tax Directive, Revision of the Energy Efficiency Directive and national legislation related to energy and climate policy.

Contact: regulacje@pipc.org.pl

Coordinator of the committee

Klaudia Kleps

Topics of the committee’s work:

Sustainable finance and taxonomy, European Green Deal, CBAM, fertilizer issues and regulations, tax regulations, free trade agreements, labour market, circular economy.

The committee’s areas of activity:

  • Developing positions and opinions related to the protection of the competitiveness of entities and products of the Polish chemical industry.
  • Initiating the process of changes in the proposed and binding regulations related to the subject matter of the committee’s work.
  • Ongoing monitoring of changes in regulations in force under Polish and EU law, in particular in the area of ​​economy and international trade policy.
  • Cooperation with the national administration as well as EU state authorities in the field of economic regulations relevant to the industry.
  • Active cooperation with PIPC members in the development of legislative solutions and preparation of industry positions.

Topics of the forum’s work:

Sanctions and customs policy, anti-dumping proceedings, antisubsidy measures, market protection legal tools and strategies.

Forum Coordinator:
Szymon Domagalski
e-mail: szymon.domagalski@pipc.org.pl
tel.: 733 768 877

Coordinator of the committee

Szymon Domagalski

Topics of the committee’s work:

National and EU financial support mechanisms and programs, protection of intellectual property, development of sector innovation, promotion of research and innovative activities of chemical industry entities, research institutes and the scientific community, science-industry cooperation, human capital development.

The committee’s areas of activity:

  • Monitoring of available financing instruments at the EU and national level for the chemical industry and changes in legal regulations.
  • Sharing knowledge and information on the operation of national and EU support mechanisms for R&D activities in chemistry and for intellectual property protection.
  • Monitoring the possibility of launching programs or projects supporting innovation among PIPC members.
  • Cooperation with the national administration, including the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy (MFiPR), National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) and the EU administration in the field of opinions and promotion of programs supporting the development of innovation.
  • Supporting the innovativeness of the sector and cooperation with scientific and research centers, exchange of knowledge and experience.

Coordinator of the committee

Aleksandra Sutryk

Topics of the committee’s work:

Classification of chemical substances and mixtures, EU Strategy for Sustainable Chemicals, aspects of technical conditions for equipment and installations, best practices in occupational and process safety in the chemical industry; maintenance in chemical plants, Industry 4.0, development of digitization.

The committee’s areas of activity:

  • Development of positions, analysis and monitoring of changes in EU regulations related to, among others, the implementation of the EU Strategy for Sustainable Chemicals, health and safety regulations and chemical classification processes.
  • Issuing opinions and preparation of positions on national regulations in the field of process safety, product safety, occupational health and safety as well as technical solutions, devices and installations.
  • Cooperation with representatives of the national administration, in particular the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology (MRiT), Bureau for Technical Substance and Technical Inspection (UDT), Polish Alternative Fuels Association (PSPA), as well as representatives of EU bodies.
  • Cooperation and support for the Safe Chemistry Program.
  • Supporting the development of the SPOT System.
  • Cooperation with the CEFIC sectoral groups dedicated to the classification of chemicals in order to strengthen the voice of the Polish chemical industry.

Topics of the forum’s work:

Chemical classification and management, including REACH and CLP regulations and processes implemented by ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) and the European Commission; effective and adequate measures to protect workers and consumers; the importance of the reliability of scientific evidence in the classification process as well as the introduced restrictions and requirements in the labeling and transport of products; consultation of documents on subsequent stages of classification or dedicated to the area of ​​laws and regulations.

Topics of the forum’s work:

Key changes in the provisions in force under Polish and EU law regarding fire protection; cooperation with state authorities, in particular with the National Headquarters of the State Fire Service of Poland; standards for fire protection and other issues related to the operation of fire protection units; functioning of the SPOT System; training of staff in the field of firefighting.

Coordinator of the committee

Topics of the committee’s work:

Transport, logistics and distribution of chemical products, European Green Deal, Mobility Package, Sustainable Mobility Strategy, SENT Act, safety and employment Issues.

The committee’s areas of activity:

  • Developing positions and participating in domestic change processes and international transport and distribution regulations affecting the activities of chemical entities.
  • Monitoring changes in legislation related to the topics handled by the committee, especially in the area of: Mobility Package, SENT package, employment of foreigners in transport companies, handling dangerous goods, intermodal transport in Poland.
  • Cooperation with the national administration as well as with EU state authorities in the field of regulations relevant to the industry.
  • Cooperation with international organizations of service providers in the transport and distribution market.
  • Promotion of best practices in the field of safety in transport and logistics and intermodal solutions in the chemical industry.
