PIPC Management

Tomasz Zieliński, Ph.D. Eng.

President of the Board
Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry

In 2003, he received a PhD degree in technical sciences from the Ignacy Mościcki Industrial Chemistry Institute in Warsaw. In 2001, he graduated with a degree in chemical technology from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Mechanics and Petrochemistry at the Warsaw University of Technology, Płock Branch, and completed postgraduate studies in financial management and marketing at the same university. In 2009, he was awarded a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in cooperation with the Lublin University of Technology. Furthermore, he completed i.a. the Professional Development Program – Strategic Business Management at Harvard University Extension School and Strategies for Sustainability at the Stanford Center for Professional Development, Stanford University.

Since June 2013, he has been Chairman of the Board of the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry, the key organization representing the Polish chemical industry at national and international forums. The Chamber is the strongest organization representing the chemical industry which comprises about 13 thousand businesses and more than 343 thousand jobs, and accounts for almost 19% of the Polish industry altogether.

He is an expert in the chemical sector with more than 23 years of experience in top management, scientific and academic positions. He acquired his professional experience in major companies in the chemical, refining and petrochemical sectors in Poland and Central Europe (2004–2006: ORLEN S.A. – Head of the Office of Vice-President of the Management Board for Production, Wholesale and Logistics; 2010-2013: Anwil S.A. – Member of the Management Board for Strategy and Operations; 2012-2013: Chemeko sp. z o.o. – President of the Management Board; 2009-2010: Grupa Azoty Zakłady Chemiczne „Police” S.A. – Vice-President of the Management Board, Director for Strategy and Development; 2010: Kemipol sp. z o.o. – Chairman of the Supervisory Board; 2005: Orlen Unipetrol a.s. – Leader of R&D Team as a result of the acquisition of the holding company; 2011-2013: Spolana s.r.o. – Chairman of the Supervisory Board).

For several years, he carried out numerous projects in strategic consulting i.a. at DGA S.A., AKJ Capital S.A. and Instytut Studiów Energetycznych sp. z o.o. He was also associated with the Warsaw University of Technology as a scientist and lecturer and with the Ignacy Mościcki Industrial Chemistry Institute in Warsaw as a scientist and researcher.

In the past, he was also a Management Board Member of Fertilizers Europe in Brussels, a member of the Advisory Board of the World Refining Association and an expert in the Parliamentary Group on Chemical Industry.

He has represented the interests of the domestic chemical industry at home and abroad for more than ten years now, and sits on the boards of numerous national and international business and industry organizations. Since 2016, he has been a member of the National Association Board (NAB) of the European Chemical Industry Council in Brussels (CEFIC), where he represents the interests of 7 countries in the Central Europe Cluster (Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia). For nearly 10 years, he has also served on the Management Board and Steering Committee of the European Chemical Employers Group in Brussels (ECEG).

Furthermore, he is a member of the Committee on Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences, as well as the Presidium of the Council and the Committee on Energy and Climate Policy of the Polish Chamber of Commerce, the Coordinating Council for Hydrogen Economy at the Ministry of Climate and Environment. In addition, he sits on the Boards of Institutes of the Łukasiewicz Research Network – the Ignacy Moscicki Industrial Chemistry Institute and the New Chemical Syntheses Institute in Puławy.

He is a member of supervisory boards of companies at home and abroad, including the Supervisory Board of ORLEN S.A. In addition, he is a member of economic councils of Polish technical universities, programme boards, scientific councils and industry associations, including the role of a long-standing member of the American Chemical Society. He is also a co-author of patents related to industrial chemistry, author of numerous scientific and popular science papers, as well as conference speaker.