KT Kinetics Technology nowym Członkiem PIPC!

 KT Kinetics Technology nowym Członkiem PIPC!

Włoska spółka KT – Kinetics Technology została nowym Członkiem Polskiej Izby Przemysłu Chemicznego.

KT – Kinetics Technology jest powszechnie uznawana za firmę o bardzo silnym zapleczu technologicznym, która w dużej mierze zajmuje się projektowaniem procesów. W swoim portfolio posiada gotowe rozwiązania skierowane m.in. do sektorów rafineryjnych, a także w produkcji wodoru, odzysku siarki, oczyszczania gazu czy produkcji np. nagrzewnic. Wiele z badań i technologii opracowanych przez KT jest licencjonowanych, a projektowane procesy są zgodne z najbardziej rygorystycznymi przepisami ochrony środowiska.

Witamy w gronie Członków Polskiej Izby Przemysłu Chemicznego!


In its current position as EPC Contractor, KT – Kinetics Technology is widely recognized as a company with a very strong technological background and a great focus on Process Design capabilities. This derives from its traditional Licensing Business Lines, Sulphur Recovery and Hydrogen Production, with multiple relevant units all over the world licensed by KT.

This double dimension – as Main Contractor and as Licensor – enables KT to properly and continuously translate the lesson learned coming from its construction sites into upgrades of the Plant Design and boosts a real and effective Design-to-Cost approach since the very beginning of the Engineering phase. Our customized Engineering solutions comply with the most stringent environmental regulations.

Our Process Engineers are not requested to just apply the theoretical concepts of the chemical engineering into the Design, but they must identify and implement the smartest design solutions that best fit clients’ requirements, including projects of any size for the worldwide process industries. This important attitude represents a great added value that KT is capable to deploy for its clients and stands as a quite unique feature in the Oil & Gas landscape.

KT is a medium size company with more than 600 employees and a fully-fledged and quite lean structure greatly focused to team working and empowerment of the team components.

This organization ensures a rapid and responsive decisional process at all hierarchical levels and enhances KT’s adaptivity and the resilience in the current mutable Business environment.

Buongiorno, KT Kinetics Technology!


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